Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeVonta Smith ran a high-4.4 range for the 40-yard dash for NFL scouts at pro-day spring of his sophomore year. The Eagles speedster is marginally quicker than his teammate, AJ Brown, who ran the 40-yard dash in 4.49 seconds at the 2019 NFL Combine.
Both wide receivers are part of the Philadelphia Eagles wide receivers room, one of the best in the NFL. This piece will also look at their player profiles heading into their rookie seasons.
Devonta Smith's player profile
70% Win
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70% Win
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He possesses an elite skill level for the position and could hit the defense from short, mid-range, or deep. DeVonta Smith was the most complete of the receivers at Alabama over his last two seasons and would allow an NFL team to mismatch him against the weak links inside or outside in coverage.
DeVonta Smith was a detailed route runner with the athletic ability to make them count from a separation area, and his ball skills are unquestioned. He also had the athletic gifts, football character, and an elevated skill level to become a long-time starter and Pro Bowl regular.
His core strengths were:
- Elevated production, no matter his quarterback or teammates.
- Equally effective outside or from the slot.
- He rarely drops the catchable throw.
- Routes are similarly fluid and effective on all three levels.
- Urgent takeoff creates opportunities for accessible comeback routes.
His major flaws were:
- Feisty, but needs more average play strength.
- Gets jostled at the top of the route at times.
AJ Brown's player profile
On the other hand, AJ Brown was viewed as a slot bully with a rare combination of brawn and quickness that allowed him to separate with both power and foot quickness.
He was pegged to have an upgrade in athletes across from him, but he had the feet and body control to uncover and create windows as a premium route-runner.
Brown had the size and demeanor to take on a relatively heavy workload as a safety blanket for a young quarterback in a ball-control passing attack.
His core strengths were:
- Built for the NFL with outstanding lean muscle mass over the compact frame
- Can stick, stop and open for short possession throws
- The center of gravity allows for sharper breaks and access to complicated routes
- Elevated competitiveness and determination
- Shields and completes combat catches
His major flaws were:
- Appears more quick than fast
- He can get too slick at the top of his route when trying to separate against athletes
- Drops appear when focus declines
- Faced limited press looks from slot
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