On December 4, pictures of BTS member Jungkook’s “look-alike” surfaced on the internet. In the photos, the doppelganger was spotted wearing an all-black outfit with a beanie and round Lennon glasses while smoking a cigarette and smiling.
Taking one look at the photos, fans were initially convinced it was BTS’ Jungkook and were shocked to see the K-pop idol smoke publicly. However, upon closer inspection, they discovered that it wasn't the Dreamers’ singer but, instead, Japanese actor and J-pop star Kamenashi Kazuya.
A fan even wrote that the resemblance between BTS’ Jungkook and Kamenashi Kazuya is so uncanny that they had to do a “double take” to be sure it is not BTS’ maknae.
BTS’ Jungkook and Kamenashi Kazuya’s fans’ react to their resemblance
BTS’ Jung Kook recently performed his World Cup anthem Dreamers at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. While the track Dreamers as well as its music video are both achieving new records on the global music charts, BTS' maknae was recently in the news for a different reason altogether.
The Dreamers’ singer was reportedly spotted smoking in public by the paparazzi. He was dressed in his famous all-black attire with “John Lennon” glasses and a beanie to match. Fans were taken aback on discovering the idol smoking publicly.
However, it was soon revealed that the celebrity in the viral pictures is in fact a Japanese actor, singer, host, producer and J-pop idol Kamenashi Kazuya.
The resemblance between the two Asian stars is uncanny, especially since they seem to share a similar facial structure, dressing style, and smile. Fans agree that the similarity in their appearances is unmissable and that one would likely mistake them for twins or doppelgangers.
However, there is not much in common between them, except the fact that they are two of the biggest Asian superstars and entertainers.
The BTS maknae belongs to arguably the biggest K-pop boy band in the world and is a famed all-rounder. The Dreamers singer is a K-pop idol, singer, dancer, as well as a content creator in his spare time. The lead vocalist and youngest member of BTS recently became the first Korean artist and the second solo artist after Ricky Martin to perform at the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
On the other hand, Kamenashi Kazuya, a popular J-pop idol, is a man of many talents as well. He is the co-lead vocalist of the popular J-pop group KAT-TUN and has also acted in several films and TV shows over the years.
Jungkook’s Dreamers achieves a new record on Spotify
Jungkook’s motivational World Cup anthem Dreamers has achieved an important milestone on Spotify. Dreamers has become the fastest solo song by a Korean artist to reach 50 million streams on the global music streaming platform Spotify within a record 13 days.
The BTS maknae also holds the overall record for the fastest song by a K-pop soloist to reach 50 million streams on Spotify with the collab track Left and Right featuring Charlie Puth, which he achieved in 10 days' time.
Not only that, Dreamers also has the record for the highest debut day streams and debut week for a solo song by a K-pop soloist. BLACKPINK member Lisa’s solo debut track LALISA ranked third within 17 days, followed by Jin’s The Astronaut, which took 22 days, and finally Jungkook’s Stay Alive featuring SUGA, Jimin’s debut OST With You, and Over the Horizon produced SUGA ranked at number five in 23 days.
The official music video for Dreamers currently has 53 million views on YouTube.
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