The Catch is a new 4-star polearm in Genshin Impact, available only through the Inazuma Fishing Association.
The Catch is a great weapon for burst-support characters, and it happens to be the best 4-star option for the newest playable archon, Raiden Shogun. Because of this, The Catch has become rather popular in Genshin Impact, and many players seek to upgrade the new weapon.
Therefore, this article covers all the ascension materials needed to fully level up The Catch.
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Materials needed to ascend The Catch in Genshin Impact
To ascend The Catch, players need to farm three items in Genshin Impact:
- “Mask” weapon ascension materials
- Ruin Sentinel drops
- Specter drops
With an abundance of these items and sufficient Mora, players can easily raise The Catch to its max ascension level. Below is a chart that lists the exact amount of these items that players need to ascend The Catch:
Ascension Phase | Ascension Materials | Mora Cost |
1 | Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant x3Chaos Gear x3Spectral Husk x2 | 5,000 |
2 | Mask of the Tiger's Bite x3Chaos Gear x12Spectral Husk x8 | 15,000 |
3 | Mask of the Tiger's Bite x6Chaos Axis x6Spectral Heart x6 | 20,000 |
4 | Mask of the One-Horned x3Chaos Axis x12Spectral Heart x9 | 30,000 |
5 | Mask of the One-Horned x6Chaos Oculus x9Spectral Nucleus x6 | 35,000 |
6 | Mask of the Kijin x3Chaos Oculus x18Spectral Nucleus x12 | 45,000 |
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“Mask” ascension materials
Masks of the Wicked Lieutenant, the Tiger’s Bite, the One-Horned, and the Kijin are all only available from the Court of Flowing Sand. More specifically, players can farm this domain for Masks on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Thankfully, Masks are the only ascension material for The Catch that requires resin. Nevertheless, players may need to challenge this particular domain plenty of times to raise The Catch to its maximum level.
Ruin Sentinel Drops
The Chaos Gear, Chaos Axis, and Chaos Oculus items are dropped only by defeated Ruin Sentinels. Players can find these mechanical enemies all over Inazuma, though they have notable locations in Araumi, Amakumo Peak, and north Watatsumi.
To build a full farming route, Genshin Impact players can refer to the interactive map below to find all Ruin Sentinel locations.
You can find the complete list ofGenshin Impact Characters , here.
Specter Drops
A new enemy in version 2.1, the Specters drop unique items that Genshin Impact players need to ascend The Catch. Players can defeat these tricky floating creatures to earn Spectral Husks, Spectral Hearts, and Spectral Nuclei.
Currently, Specters only spawn in the new Inazuma islands of Seirai and Watatsumi. More Specter locations may become available later on, but for now, players can pinpoint all the Specters using this interactive map:
Farming for monster drops can be a very slow process. As such, players may spend quite some time finding and fighting the Specters and Ruin Sentinels in Inazuma. These items also have other uses in Genshin Impact besides ascending The Catch, so it's recommended that players build a stockpile of these materials.
Here's everything you need to know about Genshin Impact guide:
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