Andrew Shaw is a former professional ice hockey player from Canada. The Chicago Blackhawks chose Shaw in the fifth round of the 2011 NHL Entry Draft. Shaw played for the Blackhawks and the Montreal Canadiens during his 10-year NHL career. He won two Stanley Cups with the Blackhawks.
On Aug. 12th, 2017, Andrew Shaw married his longtime girlfriend, Chaunette Boulerice. Their relationship had started in June 2016, when Shaw was traded to Montreal after winning two Stanley Cups with the Blackhawks.
In June 2018, they welcomed a daughter named Andy. On Jan. 17th, 2020, the Shaws welcomed a son, Dax. Andrew Shaw signed a six-year contract with the Canadiens shortly after, securing his future. He became an unrestricted free agent at the age of 30 in the summer of 2022.
Andrew Shaw's NHL career and contract details
Andrew Shaw, a native of Belleville, Ontario, is known for his down-home approach to the game. Scouts from the Chicago Blackhawks were drawn to his performance in the 2011 Memorial Cup with Owen Sound of the Ontario Hockey League. His numbers—two goals and seven points in four games—were impressive, but it was his style of play, toughness, and willingness to do the dirty job that drew the most attention.
The Blackhawks chose Shaw in the fifth round (139th overall) of the 2011 NHL Draft. His first pro season was split between Rockford of the American Hockey League and Chicago.
Shaw's bravado was an instant hit in Chicago after he was called up. He appeared in all 23 playoff games as Chicago won the Stanley Cup in 2013. Shaw scored on a deflection off his leg at 12:08 of the third overtime in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final against the Boston Bruins to give the Blackhawks a 4-3 victory.
Shaw played in all 23 playoff games to help the Blackhawks win another Stanley Cup in two years.
Chicago coach Joel Quenneville called Shaw "irreplaceable," but the Blackhawks traded him to the Montreal Canadiens on Jun. 24th, 2016, due to salary-cap issues. Three days later, he signed a six-year contract with the Canadiens.
After three seasons in Montreal, Shaw was traded back to Chicago on Jun. 30th, 2019.
Andrew Shaw has a net worth of more than $10 million. On Jun. 24th, 2016, he reportedly signed a six-year, $23.4 million contract with the Canadiens, with $23,400,000 guaranteed. According to his most recent contract, he will earn a $4,000,000 base salary with a $3,900,000 cap hit.
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